3 Compartment Sink

One of the tricks introduced by the geek is to hide data in a secret text file compartment. This feature will not permit and allow others to have command and access to the data until and unless correct name of the secret compartment gets typed. Below is the method that activates this application but it is not at all trustworthy and fails to give consistent results and out come.

User need to create a secret key for the security of the data. It cannot be detected during the browsing of the files and folders. One thing should be kept in mind that the method is not at all secure and safe so precautionary measures need to be taken. To enable this feature, following command should be entered to precede the process. The command is: notepad SomeFile.txt:SecretWordHere.txt. Right after this command, user can enter the data and save the file. The size of the file will remain the same. The command line will not affect the size of the file.

All these files and folders are not completely protected and secured. A command line application named by streams allows other users to have access to the files. Following syntax can be used to delete the streams: streams.exe -d SomeFile.txt. Change will be immediate and instant and the streams get eradicated from the system.

In other words, true crypt is the finest way for the protection and safety of the data. The above mentioned method is not at all efficient and effective. Although it is fun to use so users can experience this feature but should not totally and wholly rely on this process. The perfection in the results is not at all guaranteed. The method might crash or clutter up the system so users should consider all the essential measures before carrying out the entire process.

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